

Are you a mother or mother to be?  Then you need to fill yourself up before you can give to others.  Today I’m going to give you some suggestions for when you have a little bit of “me” time, to promote relaxation and well being.  Most of these ideas are limited to your home.  Remember to have fun, love and laugh everyday.

*  Put on your favourite music

*  Ever wanted to write a book, start now.  Even just half an hour here and there will be a great start

*  Meditation

*  Gardening

*  Have a bubble bath with some candles for a relaxing atmosphere

*  Read a book or your favourite magazine

*  Ring a friend

*  Paint your fingernails and toenails

*  Enjoy lunch with a place set at the table

*  Have a sleep

*  Light some incense

*  Go for a walk in nature

*  Make your own cards


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