So what is HypnoBirthing®? Hypnobirthing® is a natural approach to a safe, easier more comfortable birthing experience. Using the amazing power of self hypnosis, visualisation, mind and body preparation, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, ultra deepening and affirmations for easier comfortable birthing.
Marie Mongan – hypnotherapist is the founder and director of HypnoBirthing® and has devoted her entire life to working with women to spread her message about birth. HypnoBirthing® is for the 95% of families whose pregnancies fall into the normal, no risk or low risk categories. Of course doctors will always have a place in birth, but their place is focusing on the abnormal, on the high risk woman in pregnancy and labour.
Only last night, whilst I was working in my role as a midwife in the birthing suite, I allowed one of our female obstetric registrars to birth the baby of a woman I was caring for in labour. It will only be two more years before she is a consultant obstetrician, and this baby was only her sixth “normal” birth. This is because doctors deal with the abnormal high risk. She then asked me to sign off in her book, to state that she was able to safely perform a normal vaginal birth. Imagine me, a midwife, signing off a doctor in her clinical experience book to say that she was a safe practitioner. Wow, that blew me away. Midwives are experts in normal birth, and doctors are experts in high risk and the abnormal.
HypnoBirthing® is for the majority of women who have a low risk pregnancy and want to achieve an amazing birth experience free of drugs and medical intervention. HypnoBirthing® is a fantastic life changing program. I invite you to click on this link below for further information.