
It’s great if you can create a special space just for meditation.  It’s important to have simplicity to remind us of how important it is to take care of our inner self.  Perhaps you could use a particular corner of your favourite room.  As long as you are away from excess noise and disturbance so that you have a dedicated space of silence and calmness.

Choose a regular time so that meditation can be a part of your daily routine, make sure you can rely on not being interrupted.

Choose a posture/position that is comfortable for you.  This might be sitting or even lying down on your bed.

Set a minimum time for your meditation session, even 5 or 10 minutes would be a great start.

Scan your body for any apparent areas of tension and consciously relax.

Take long slow deep breaths, breathing in through your nose.

Concentrate by focusing on a single object or sound, you can even use your breath as your focus point.

You will find that your attention wanders and becomes lost in memories of the past, future plans or even preoccupation with the present.  As soon as you notice your attention wandering, bring your focus back to the now.

Try not to judge yourself or become frustrated, just reanchor your attention once more and start again.  Let thoughts just float away.

Mediation relaxes the body and calms, stills and clears the mind.

Feel yourself detaching from thoughts and worries by focusing on the now.

Mediate every day and see what changes in your life:

*improved health and sleep

*reduced anxiety and stress

*enhanced performance and creativity

*deeper concentration and mind clarity


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