Prompts for Birthing (MP3 Download)


‘Prompts for Birthing’ is a professionally guided self-hypnosis album, especially designed for use during childbirth.

As this album is designed to induce very deep relaxation as you labour and birth. It uses deep, slow, specific prompts and we are receiving RAVE reviews from mums who have used this album during their labour.

Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by

Spoken and written by Melissa Spilsted.

Recorded and engineered by Tracey Leggatt.

** When downloading this album please use a computer (not your phone or tablet) and then share it across your devices.


‘Prompts for Birthing’ is a professionally guided self-hypnosis album, especially designed to be used during your birth. The prompts, spoken in Melissa’s very reassuring and calm voice are slow, deeper toned and help you to sink into a very deep state of relaxation through your birthing. 

Melissa Spilsted DCHyp, HBCE, Bed, BA is a renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist, registered Teacher and founder of Hypnobirthing Australia. She has made television appearances, written for Mother and Baby Magazine and has taught the ‘Hypnobirthing Australia’ program to parents and childbirth professionals throughout Australia and the world.

In addition to this, Melissa used hypnobirthing for her own three births. She has drawn upon her knowledge and experience to develop this album to help you to prepare for your own positive and empowering birth experience.

Melissa’s calm and reassuring voice has guided and supported many thousands of women through pregnancy and birth; and she feels very honoured to know that the positive messages given during the tracks, whilst in state of deep relaxation, help so many women to achieve a positive and calm birth.

As this album is designed to induce very deep relaxation; please ensure that you are not operating a moving vehicle or engaged in an activity which requires your attention whilst listening.

This album consists of one long-play track:

  1. Prompts for Birthing                                    20.10

The use of hypnosis during childbirth has been shown to reduce the length of birth, the need for medication, intervention rates, levels of pain and fatigue and also the recovery time after birthing.

Please also explore some of our other ‘Hypnobirthing Australia’ titles for pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, bonding and parenting.

You may also be interested in Melissa’s general hypnotherapy albums specifically for relaxation, sleeping, children, stress/anxiety and other subjects.

Allow yourself to release any fears relating to childbirth and trust your body to do what it is designed to do.

Experience easier, more comfortable, natural birthing with Melissa Spilsted – Hypnobirthing Australia.

Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by

Spoken and written by Melissa Spilsted.

Recorded and engineered by Tracey Leggatt.

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