
*Anxiety is one of the main reasons for sleeplessness.  Perhaps you should take a look at your stress levels as a lack of sleep can be connected to increased stress.  And new mothers definitely have increased stress levels from dealing with all the extra work a new baby brings.

*According to a U.S. study from the University of Pennsylvania, more than 1/3 of the population carry a sleepy gene, which means they are more likely to have disrupted sleep and feel more tired than people who don’t carry the gene.

*Even having a small light shining during the night can disrupt your sleep.  Hormones which are released in your deep sleep phase maintain muscle mass and structure.  Poor sleep can disrupt this.  Even a luminous alarm clock can affect the quality of your sleep.  Even light we are exposed to indoors before bedtime can affect our sleep quality.  So reduce light intensity or use warmer yellow lighting before going to bed and this may help to improve your sleep.

*Shift work definitely disrupts our sleep cycles and can increase weight from eating at odd hours. 

*The weight of your doona can affect your sleep, as your body temperature drops when you sleep.  Having bedding that is too heavy can cause your body to overheat even in a cold room.  It is often easier to stay cooler using blankets on your bed rather than a doona.

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